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You are like a fine wine, leave the cork off long enough and you turn to vinegar. Frank Hapsburgh

My heart is Ricochet with an arrow by a cupid. I felt magic and see sparks flies on a sunny Sunday afternoon. I almost touch the sky when I stumble and feel down on a grave. Petrified with the voice, no one hears so I tremble seem no one can save. Stuck in the middle of the nowhere somewhere in a strange place, light is fading.

I felt like dying with shadow becomes the darkest driving in darkness. I was looking for a place to find where were you? My knight and shining armor are coming to rescue! Time passes by when I just realize I am waiting in vain. I was terrified of what my eyes see.

Everything is shattered and I suddenly breaks down. You cast a spell with your red velvet lips that kiss and tell. You're a majesty from a castle made of fire in the kingdom of hell. Who would have thought a devil is wearing the Prada and look like real. How magnificent your were to portray and sounded like Maleficent.

So cruel to spindle me on wheel despite giving you my heart so sincere. Fool me with love seem like a good behind is a core of an insecure.

The day will come to thee and my heart will free from the sorrow and pain I agony. I shall cometh to submit so you can see a faith twisted from a heart that is full of mystery. I aim you back the arrow you shoot I thought you were Cupid and I am stupid.

You're a royal highness filled with bitterness. While I am a nobody but my heart is full of gladness and happiness. Something you shall never have despite immortality.

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